Executive Summary From Case Study
AI Energy Partners partnered with a major European Utility in order to validate and optimize its significant savings potential.
Over a 2 year period, the utility achieved operating efficiencies that exceeded 1%. The senior plant engineers recognized that Navigator resulted in immediate ROI, could be quickly deployed with no additional hardware, was effective and easy to use.

Key findings

The AI-based Navigator system has been deployed for 2 years in a standard coal-fired power plant with six 225MW units at a leading Polish energy company.

Rigorous continual testing by senior plant engineers and outside consultants was undertaken and the results of fuel consumption reduction, emission reduction and operating savings have been verified.

Due solely to Navigator's deployment, annual projected operating cost reductions at the plant exceeded $12 million USD as a result of substantially reduced heat rate deviations and CO2 emission reductions.

Resulting from Navigator's ease of use and effectiveness, senior plant engineers developed new strategies for real-time control of heat rate deviation and related emission reduction.
Key findings

The AI-based Navigator system has been deployed for 18 months in a standard coal-fired power plant with six 225MW units at a leading Polish energy company.

Rigorous continual testing by senior plant engineers and outside consultants was undertaken and the results of fuel consumption reduction, emission reduction and operating savings have been verified.

Due solely to Navigator's deployment, annual projected operating cost reductions at the plant exceeded $12 million USD as a result of substantially reduced heat rate deviations and CO2 emission reductions.

Resulting from Navigator's ease of use and effectiveness, senior plant engineers developed new strategies for real-time control of heat rate deviation and related emission reduction.
Performance Data - Annualized Savings
This chart shows the substantial ROI which will be generated by just 1% savings which occurred at the European power plant. They will realize a savings on fuel consumption alone of over $4 million. These significant savings are achieved only by better use of existing resources. In the case of the European Utility, it would have been required to pay additional European Carbon credits which total over $8 million dollars for a total savings of $12.5 million dollars per year.*

Navigator Case Study: Power Plant Parameters
The server controlled the stream of acquired data and made all necessary calculations for Navigator Management System modules. The deployment did not require any additional hardware investment by the plant operator. Therefore, it is able to be deployed and fully operational in just a few months.