AI technology that optimizes energy production to create cleaner air.

Market Leading Economic and Environmental Impact

1 - 3%

Reduction in coal use and CO2/toxic emissions


Minimum projected return on annual software subscription 


Additional capital investment required for installation

Game Changing Impact

AI Energy Partners has created a breakthrough technology called Navigator after 9 years of research and development with recent deployment in a major European Utility.

The technology utilizes Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to achieve game changing energy production cost efficiencies and emission reductions.

Navigator enables plant operators to reduce coal consumption and toxic emissions while producing the same amount of energy.

Game Changing Impact

AI Energy Partners has created a breakthrough technology called Navigator after 9 years of research and development with recent deployment in a major European Utility.

The technology utilizes Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to achieve game changing energy production cost efficiencies and emission reductions.

Navigator enables plant operators to reduce coal consumption and toxic emissions while producing the same amount of energy.

The Problem

Much of the world is focusing on transitioning to cleaner energy sources. However, current market conditions are demonstrating that coal-based utilities will still be relied upon for decades to reliably produce energy, especially when supply shortages of oil and gas emerge such as there are today.

To participate in the global movement to reduce coal emissions plant operators are facing mandates to optimize their energy efficiency and reduce related toxic emissions. 

Many of the solutions on the market today require significant upfront hardware installation investment and take a long time to deploy. 

The Navigator Solution

  • New technology based upon artificial intelligence and machine learning combined with thermodynamic models optimizes energy production and reduces toxic emissions.
  • Platform utilizing a fully-integrated highly secure set of modular tools is customized to each power plant’s requirements.
  • REAL-TIME access to critical energy production processes enables immediate action by operator to make time sensitive optimization decisions.
  • The software can be installed at virtually any coal-fired power plant and requires no additional hardware.

The Navigator Solution

  • New technology based upon artificial intelligence and machine learning combined with thermodynamic models optimizes energy production and reduces toxic emissions.
  • Platform utilizing a fully-integrated highly secure set of modular tools is customized to each power plant’s requirements.
  • REAL-TIME access to critical energy production processes enables immediate action by operator to make time sensitive optimization decisions.
  • The software can be installed at virtually any coal-fired power plant and requires no additional hardware.

Multi-Tiered Benefits to Utilities

Utility companies are under increasing public pressure to create cleaner forms of energy. Accelerating energy demand will increase the need for coal-fired plants to continue as renewable energy alternatives are not meeting such demands.

Installing AI Energy Partners technology enables utilities to:

  • Be recognized for utilizing advanced AI and Machine Learning technology to reduce toxic emissions and play a role in addressing climate change.
  • Reduce the amount of coal burned while maintaining a stable source of electricity for their customers.
  • Deploy a proven solution that will produce immediate positive ROI.

AI Energy Partners Navigator Platform

Optimization of power production and reduction of emissions.

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Key functionalities and benefits

Real-time optimization

Solution is designed to support real-time optimization of manufacturing processes and maximize the use of available human and technological resources.

Full compatibility

Complete and ready environment to run on any client application. The service provides all components, including the operating system and database tailored to the needs of the application.

Dedicated solutions

Dedicated solution for power plants and heat and power plants, fired with hard coal, lignite and biomass. The solution has been tested in one of the leading European power plants. Technology can also be applied to Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) and other types of plants.

Secure implementation

Solution is installed on separate, secured and specially prepared servers. Does not interfere with plant’s control systems and is completely secure.  Any data stored is encrypted. 

0 %
Accuracy of the simulation module
0 %
Potential savings
0 t
That's a yearly saving of tons of carbon for every 1% process optimization


Potential savings for your power plant

*Data refer to hard coal

Key functionalities and benefits

Improved performance

Improving the efficiency of production processes as a result of using the most efficient settings for a specific power unit.

Real-time recommendations

Continuous recommendations for the most optimal settings by calculation of reference operating parameters for the current operating situation.

Instant information

Allows plant operators to quickly identify real savings in the quality of processes, efficiency and deviations of unit heat consumption.

Sensor monitoring

Online tracking of the operating status of devices and measuring sensors – detection of potential failures.

Use of knowledge and experience

Learning on the best operating settings and sharing experience between block operators – better use of human resources.

Shaping flexibility

Enabling the use of new technologies implemented in a power plant for diagnosis. 


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